Wednesday, March 21, 2012


PBS Nightly Business Report TOM HUDSON: Finally tonight, you're probably watching this trying to wind down from your day. But are you worried about a sleepless night? A Chinese company thinks it has the perfect remedy for stress and insomnia. Nick Mackie tonight has details on a hat that hopes to be a hit here in the US NICK MACKIE, NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT CORRESPONDENT: No, they're not recruiting extras for a sci-fi movie. The folk here are taking time out to try out a high-tech massage, courtesy of Breo. Some opt for a mask, which should relieve tiredness around the eyes, while others wear one of the $200 space-age helmets. They vibrate, apply heat and relax you with music, while administering a firm, mood-changing therapy. TRANSLATION OF: UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This one applies and releases pressure, while the other one massages by knocking on your head. I prefer the other one. MACKIE: The exterior is German designed while the insides, with the massaging functions, are developed by Breo's in-house team, which combines technology with the principles of traditional Chinese medicine to relieve fatigue, anxiety and stress. Breo is the world's leading company in eye and head-massage technology. Its main market is China, where it has 200 retail outlets. The brand exports throughout southeast Asia and its 900 staff here in Shenzhen also assemble massage devices for others, including Brookstone in the United States. Breo is one company on the Pearl River delta that didn't lose ...

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